Meet the CAGOP Endorsed Candidates


CD 1: Congressman Doug LaMalfa

CD 2: Chris Coulombe

CD 3: Congressman Kevin Kiley

CD 5: Congressman Tom McClintock

CD 6: Craig DeLuz

CD 7: Tom Silva

CD 8: Rudy Recile

CD 9: Mayor Kevin Lincoln

CD 11: Bruce Lou

CD 13: Congressman John Duarte

CD 14: Vinay Kruttiventi

CD 15: Anna Cheng Kramer

CD 17: Anita Chen

CD 18: Peter Hernandez

CD 21: Michael Maher

CD 22: Congressman David Valadao

CD 23: Congressman Jay Obernolte

CD 25: Ian Weeks

CD 26: Michael Koslow

CD 27: Congressman Mike Garcia

CD 28: April Verlato

CD 29: Benito "Benny" Bernal

CD 30: Alex Balekian

CD 31: Pedro "Antonio" Casas

CD 32: Larry Thompson

CD 34: Calvin Lee

CD 36: Melissa Toomim

CD 37: Baltazar Fedalizo

CD 38: Eric Ching

CD 40: Congresswoman Young Kim

CD 41: Congressman Ken Calvert

CD 42: John Briscoe

CD 43: Steve Williams

CD 44: Roger Groh

CD 45: Congresswoman Michelle Steel 

CD 46: David Pan

CD 47: Hon. Scott Baugh

CD 48: Darrell Issa

CD 51: Hon. Bill Wells 


SD 3: Thom Bogue

SD 5: Jim Shoemaker

SD 7: Jeanne Solnordal

SD 9: David Minor

SD 11: Yvette Corkrean

SD 17: Tony Virrueta

SD 19: Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh

 SD 21: Elijah Mack

SD 25: Elizabeth Ahlers

SD 27: Lucie Volotzky

SD 29: Carlos Garcia

SD 35: James Spencer


AD 2: Michael Greer

AD 3: Assemblyman James Gallagher

AD 5: Assemblyman Joe Patterson

AD 6: Preston Romero

AD 7: Assemblyman Josh Hoover

AD 9: Assemblyman Heath Flora

AD 10: Dr. Vinaya Singh

AD 11: Wanda Wallis

AD 12: Andy Podshadley

  AD 13: Denise Aguilar Mendez

AD 15: Sonia Ledo

AD 16: Joseph Rubay

AD 17: Manuel Noris-Barrera

AD 22: Assemblyman Juan Alanis

AD 23: Gus Mattammal

AD 24: Bob Brunton

AD 25: Ted Stroll

 AD 26: Sophie Yan Song

AD 28: Liz Lawler

AD 30: Dalila Epperson

AD 34: Assemblyman Tom Lackey

AD 37: Sari Domingues

AD 38: Deborah Baber

AD 40: Patrick Gipson

AD 41: Michelle Martinez

AD 42: Ted Nordblum

AD 43: Victoria Garcia

AD 44: Tony Rodriguez

AD 46: Tracey Schroeder

AD 47: Assemblyman Greg Wallis

AD 49: Long "David" Liu 

AD 51: Shiva Bagheri

AD 53: Nick Wilson

AD 54: Elaine Alaniz

AD 55: Keith Cascio

AD 56: Jessica Martinez

AD 58: Leticia Castillo

AD 59: Assemblyman Phillip Chen

AD 61: Alfonso Hernandez

AD 63: Assemblyman Bill Essayli

AD 64: Raul Ortiz, Jr.

AD 66: George Barks

AD 67: Elizabeth Culver

 AD 68: Mike Tardif

AD 69: Joshua Rodriguez

AD 70: Assemblyman Tri Ta

AD 71: Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez

AD 72: Assemblywoman Diane Dixon

AD 73: Henny Abraham

AD 74: Assemblywoman Laurie Davies

AD 75: Andrew Hayes

AD 76: Hon. Kristie Bruce-Lane

Ballot Measures

Mental Health Services Bond (Proposition 1): Neutral

Income Tax Increase/Pandemic Response: Oppose

PAGA Reform: Support

Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act: Support

$18 Minimum Wage: Oppose

Death Tax Repeal: Support

Endorsements (




SIGNING EVENT: Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act